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IVA Vocal Technique (Vocal Advancement)
Foil has been using IVA (vocaladvancement.com a prestigious singing teacher institute from US) vocal technique to teach singing for many years now. IVA incorporates science to help you control your singing mechanism. For instance controlling your vocal folds and larynx through various vocal exercises.
This technique allows you to sing with greater power and range, while avoiding vocal injuries and maintaining your natural vocal color.
The IVA vocal technique, which can be learned more about at vocaladvancement.com, has its roots in the well-known Italian vocal technique known as Bel canto.
In addition to the IVA vocal technique, Foil also utilizes music theory to help beginners who may be struggling with pitch and timing.
Similar to playing sports, singing is a skill that can be learned by anyone with enough practice and proper coaching. Similar to exercising, the more you engage in it, the stronger your body becomes, leading to increased confidence and happiness.
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